Six couples from Calgary just got back from Patagonia, Chile, fishing with Country Pleasures Flyfishing and Cinco Rios Lodge.
We were treated like royalty (as usual) by the staff at C.R. This was a cool trip for us as a lot of the party members did not fish much, anywhere from a half day to 4 days. The non-fishers seemed to have as much fun as those of us fishing. The highlight seemed to be the day spent walking with the Andean Condors at their roosts. Face to face with a bird that has a 3 meter wingspan sounds pretty wild!

Southern Chile Brown Trout are kind of pretty!

Rio Cea, a pretty little spring creek not far from the lodge. I think you could fish every day for months and still not fish all the good trout water around Coyhaique.

A spring creek Brown Trout on a dry fly. Very technical pattern selection. If it's windy, a size 6 Fat Albert. If it's calm, a size 14 Fat Albert. Patagonia is Foam Bug Heaven!

One of the many spectacular waterfalls. This creek is only 150 yards long, flowing into a beautiful lake. There is, however, a two foot plus Brown right by the bushes in the above photo.

Another awesome Brown on a dry fly. Somebody asked me if I mind that Maureen seems to catch a lot more big Browns on dry flies than I do.... I'm getting used to it!
Don't forget to check the CP website for upcoming Saturday Morning Seminars. We have a pretty cool presentation on Chile coming up!!!
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