Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bow River Update

 Woah, a fishing report...I know, it's been a while. And now that the weather is going down the tubes again, it could be a few days before you're motivated to get out there.. However, heres a report from tuesday.

Despite the hurricane winds, the fishing could be simply described as awesome. Water clarity was as much as you could ever ask for (probably as clear as it gets out there), and the fish were definitely in the feeding mood. The worm and Jimmy was the big ticket item. I tried a bunch of streamer fishing and wasn't able to get a fish on it, and then followed through with a nymph and found fish right away. I'd assume that with the cold water they're still not going to chase a streamer too much, but that could change with a few sunny warm days in a row. All of our fish were in the deeper chop, and we didn't find any in the skinnier bits at the top of the runs.

March is coming, and with that hopefully lots of fishing..either way, if it's above 0º, get out there!


And while you're at it, like our Facebook Page and get quicker updates and more fish porn!

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