Working in a fly shop is pretty much the best job in the world (arguably of course.) It may not pay the best or make me rich but there certainly are some serious perks. Really how many fisherman wouldn't love being able to talk fishing all day, and when R&D is needed, I've got one of the world's best textbooks a hop, skip and a jump from my front door. Actually, I spend more time reading the water than I spend reading my biology textbook. The river can teach you a lot, more than any lecture or book about science, faith and life.
I grew up with the river; from the Elk to the Crow and eventually the Bow along with everything in between. I started fishing around age six and when I hit thirteen a switch was flipped; I started working in the shop and fishing went from a hobby to being my whole life. I'm not alone in this, it seems somebody is walking around flipping switches on alot of anglers!
This sport attracts men and women, young and old, it's truly amazing how big the demographics are. It's the only sport that I am aware of that attracts both 90 year olds and ten year olds equally.
This sport attracts men and women, young and old, it's truly amazing how big the demographics are. It's the only sport that I am aware of that attracts both 90 year olds and ten year olds equally.

A perfect example is Robbie (seen below) who went on a fishing trip with guide Jennifer Buck and caught this huge Rainbow out of the Bow River. A fish this big would get anyone hooked on fly fishing!

I'd love to say it's easy, that anyone can do it but it's simply not true. It takes a special person to fly fish, they have to have a certain quality, something that can't be put into words. It's like a magnet, it draws them to fly fishing and never lets them go. Maybe it can be developed or maybe your born with it, this I may never know. One thing is for sure, I've got it.
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