After seeing Jason (one of our guides) new fish measuring device, I knew I had to make my own.
With the help of Jay having pre-cut tubing, and Zach (@
Idylwilde) supplying me with some
SWAG, the solution was obvious.
Here's my build of a fish measuring device. No more guessing the size of the big fish of the day

Get yourself some 4" plastic tubing and get it cut.
Jason Eggleton hooked me up with some of his PVC after he had a bunch cut for his own fish measuring device. Sand all of the edges and the the entire surface of the tube to get a good grip with the stickers, varnish and applying the cap.
I went with 31" long, so my measuring tape will go to 30" with a bit to spare.

I got a 4" ABS end cap and glued it on using ABS cement. Use lots of pressure and let it rest before playing with it.

I affixed my first measuring device, courtesy of
Idylwilde Flies
Added a few more stickers for good luck!
Finished both ends of the tube with another sticker, I'll be adding my own measuring marks into the Brown Trout sticker later. If you're satisfied with 26", you obviously don't have to go this far. I also cut off the lip of the end cap, and sanded it down.
Varnish like hell and recoat numerous times. The more coats, the longer it will last in the sun, as well as keep your stickers from peeling.