If you've been thinking of getting started tying this is the course for you.
Give us a call or drop us an e-mail to find out more.
Country Pleasures Fly Tying Schools
Each School comprises eight lessons, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm on eight consecutive Monday nights, for a total instruction of sixteen hours. All lessons will take place in the shop, with a maximum enrollment in each school of seven students, so there is lots of chance for individual attention.
The tuition is $140 (plus GST) and each student will be responsible for supplying their own tools and materials during the course. All tools and materials are available at Country Pleasures. Enrollment is taken on a first-come first-served basis and a complete list of necessary tools and materials will be delivered to registrants at the time of registration.
During the School students will learn to tie nymphs, streamers and dry flies, including local favourites and new patterns such as the San Juan Worm, Bead Head Nymphs, C.D.C Caddis, Stimulators, and Clouser Minnows. All flies are chosen for their effectiveness in local waters as well as the techniques required for their tying. Join us for your introduction to this fascinating hobby.
Winter Fly Tying School begins Moinday, January 17, 2011

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