Thursday, February 26, 2015

Support Your Local Fly Shop

You hear it a bunch, the phrase "support your local fly shop", with all of the reasons that go along with it.

We did some research comparing buying local and ordering online from places like, big box retailers in the US, etc. We took a small cross section of popular items (rods, luggage, waders) from three manufacturers and compared our prices to what it would cost to order online. For the waders and Sage rods, we allowed for free shipping and no brokerage fees. However, you would get a brokerage charge upon delivery.

As a formula, we took the cost of the item, added their shipping/brokerage fees, and allowed for a 1.27 exchange rate to CDN on your credit card (in actuality, exchange today is around 1.28). Now keep in mind, these are products that our shop sells. We would expect other manufacturers to be similar.
Shipping/brokerage fees taken directly from  checkout on respective sites.

Here are some examples:

Item #1: Orvis Helios 2 905-4 Tip Flex (9', 5 weight, 4 piece)
Purchase online at Rod: $795 USD, shipping/brokerage; $166.05 USD for a total of $961.05. 
Total charge on credit card at 1.27 exchange: $1220.53 CDN

Purchase instore in C.P.: $895.00 CDN plus GST, 
for a total of $ 939.75 CDN
A savings of $280.78 by buying local

Item #2: Simms Headwaters Stockingfoot Waders
Purchase online from USA: $349.95
Total charge on credit card at 1.27 exchange: $444.44 CDN

Purchase instore in C.P.: $439.95 CDN plus GST, 
for a total of $ 461.95 CDN
$17 more to buy local

Item #3: Orvis Helios 2 908-4 Tip Flex (9', 8 weight, 4 piece)
Purchase online at Rod: $850.00 USD, shipping/brokerage; $175.95 USD for a total of $1025.95
Total charge on credit card at 1.27 exchange: $1302.96

Purchase instore in C.P.: $950.00 CDN plus GST, 
for a total of $ 997.50 CDN
A savings of $305.46 by buying local
Item #4: Orvis Safe Passage Carry-It-All Rod/Reel Case
Purchase online at Case: $179 USD, shipping/brokerage; $49.17 USD for a total of $228.17. 
Total charge on credit card at 1.27 exchange: $289.78 CDN

Purchase instore in C.P.: $244.95 CDN plus GST, 
for a total of $ 257.20 CDN
A savings of $32.58 by buying local

Item #5: Sage ONE 590-4 (9', 5 weight, 4 piece)
Purchase online from USA: $795.00 USD
Total charge on credit card at 1.27 exchange: $1009.65 CDN

Purchase instore in C.P.: $954.00 CDN plus GST, 
for a total of $ 1001.70 CDN
A savings of $7.95 by buying local

Item #6: Simms G3 Guide Stockingfoot WadersPurchase online from USA: $499.95
Total charge on credit card at 1.27 exchange: $634.94 CDN

Purchase instore in C.P.: $599.95 CDN plus GST, 
for a total of $ 629.95 CDN
A savings of $4.99 by buying local

Item #7: Orvis Recon 905-4  (9', 5 weight, 4 piece)
Purchase online at Rod: $425.00 USD, shipping/brokerage; $99.45 USD for a total of $524.45. 
Total charge on credit card at 1.27 exchange: $666.05 CDN

Purchase instore in C.P.: $540.00 CDN plus GST, 
for a total of $ 567.00 CDN
A savings of $99.05 by buying local

Is it actually cheaper to buy online?

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