Monday, March 3, 2014

Global Warming!

We know you're probably just as sick of the weather as we are, and likely even more sick of hearing the bitching about it, but this is getting really old!

After the worst of it this past weekend there were several firsts....plugged in the vehicles for the very first time ever in March. Froze a water line in the house for the first time (that was a lot of fun considering pretty much every space heater in southern alberta is sold out and warming up pipes with a hair dryer in a 3 square inch space rocks!) And for the first time ever, there was strong consideration put into not getting out of bed for a 72 hour period.

Anyways, doing something like posting dry fly, flats fishing, or other cool videos is beyond nasty right now.
So, we thought the very best idea right now would be the "Shaw Fire Log". So enjoy!

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